Labiaplasty – Correction of the Labia

Labiaplasty, the correction of the labia, is a relatively new aesthetic procedure that can significantly boost self-confidence and eliminate anxiety about the appearance of one’s intimate parts.

Common Reasons for Dissatisfaction with Intimate Areas

  • Volume loss in the large labia: This can be addressed with fat grafting (lipotransfer) to restore volume and regenerate with stem cells. Hyaluronic fillers can also be used.
  • Excessively dark skin in the intimate area: This can be resolved with chemical peels for whitening the anogenital region.
  • Large labia or congenital asymmetries
  • Significant changes post-childbirth: Or due to hormonal imbalances, injury, aging, and hereditary factors

In some cases, pronounced irregularities can cause discomfort during intimate relations or when wearing tight underwear and clothing. Ideal candidates for labiaplasty are middle-aged women, especially those experiencing physical or psychological discomfort. This isn’t just during sexual activities but also during sports, like cycling.

During the procedure, the plastic surgeon removes excess tissue to correct and enhance the appearance of the labia. The surgery is typically done under local anesthesia, does not require hospitalization, and recovery takes a few days.

Post-surgery, there may be minor discomfort related to swelling and wound healing, which usually subsides after about a week. No visible scars remain after recovery.

After labiaplasty, it is recommended to avoid intense physical activities for about two weeks. Sexual activity can be resumed after 3 or 4 weeks.

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